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Jim Lee (DC Comics / Marvel) style LoRA
Making models can be expensive. Do you like what I do? Consider supporting me on Patreon 🅿️ or feel free to buy me a coffee ☕

Been wanting to try this for a long time now. I think this came out pretty nicely and captures the style of Jim Lee quite well. I tested it on AnyLoRA and AbyssOrangeMix2 with my negative embeddings and it’s pretty convincing at weight=1 for the offset version and 0.65 for the original (check “original” tab for a comparison). Use the prompt jim lee for better accuracy.

Keep in mind that, while this can make Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman pretty well, this is not a character LoRa but a Style LoRA. Have fun making your own superheroes!

NOTE: I used ControlNet on some of the examples. Check the full generation data.

2nd pic courtesy of sadxzero from the reviews.

How to use LoRA’s in auto1111:

Update webui (use git pull like here or redownload it)

Copy the file to stable-diffusion-webui/models/lora

Select your LoRA like in this video

Make sure to change the weight according to the instructions of the model (by default it’s :1)

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